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Holiday Gratitude

Independence Day. 243 years old. As we marked yet another year of blasting fireworks, BBQ's, friends, family, days-off, long weekends, bad traffic, and celebration of the separation from the British colonists, I marked a different number. 16. The number of days since my surgery. And count 29 days until my next appointment with my Endocrinologist.

At my annual eye exam which was this past Saturday, the 6th, they asked, "Have there been any changes or updates to your medical history?" I found myself sighing a deep breath as I recited my "lines": May 10th I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer and had a Total Thyroidectomy June 18th. The person taking the notes asked me the same questions three different ways to clearly transcribe what I had just told him. In that moment, I relived the phone call from the endocrinologist who called me with the results and the sinking feeling I had during the call at the team lunch we were holding at the time. All the appointments since then, re-reading of the labs, and that word - "cancer." I continue to reflect on the newness of it all still - taking my daily Synthroid, continuing Calcium supplementation, watching what I eat and when. And now count the days until the next markers, tests, results, and so-on...for the rest of my life.

This weekend my father and I worked in the yard. I've been testing myself. Pushing just a little harder each day to find my new "normal" and energy level; to see how having no Thyroid controls me, or doesn't. We were cutting sod in the backyard with a rented sod cutter from Home Depot. I was controlling the behemoth machine forcing my muscles to grip and steer the 300 lb machine up and across the backyard (Phase 1 of 40 of the #BackyardOnABudget project we're doing slowly but surely) It felt good - to sweat, put in some physical labor - probably the most I'd done in months with the fight of this cyst and feeling sick all this time.

Did I push it too hard? Not sure truly. Feeling sore and tight no more than what I would after a hard workout with one too many sets, but I needed it. I needed to prove to myself that my body was not going to be altered for this hiccup in the road.

I made the holiday weekend longer so we got some good work in this weekend on the project and made the most of the rental. I'm grateful that my dad is here helping with Noah to give me and Emily a helping hand and that he's still able to go shoulder to shoulder on projects like this.

Overall, the weekend was enjoyable. We spent Sunday at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival walking around admiring all the talent that exists across our world all while soaking up the Colorado sun. Then we attended church service and got to experience the Matsiko World Orphan Choir and hear of the work that ICN is doing to help rescue the children from the perils of their countries. It was good to see the friendly faces of Belong and be welcomed in. I'd missed seeing our friends regularly.

For the rest and rehabilitation of this weekend I am grateful. For the privilege we've been given to live in this country and gifted the freedoms we have, I am grateful. I am grateful.

Peace and health,

#Gratitude #Matsiko #IndependenceDay #YardWork #SweatEquity