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Walking the Stone

Cobblestone, brick. Uneven, weathered. Hard, unforgiving. As I explored the sidewalks, streets, paths, alleys, piazzas, all points of history and present converged beneath my feet.

The Colosseum, a notte (at night), illuminated with mystery, curiosity, intrigue, and respect. As I ventured out into Rome, I found myself feeling a part of the city in a way that doesn't feel "real." Navigating the walk with confidence, the hotel departure took me left down the sidewalk, past people waiting for the bus, dodging smokers, traversing crosswalks past cars and cabs all to turn a corner and feast eyes on the Altare della Patria, Altar of the Fatherland.

Altar of the Fatherland

The magnitude of its architecture, contrasted in light and shadows, all pull the eyes to the fire burning at the front of the "altar." The size unrealized until I arrived at the front of building and steps.

Alone, my family back at the hotel, I wanted to experience Rome's second personality at night. Understanding how a city moves, feels, smells, sounds, has always been one of my joys and curiosities in life. Blessed to have taken this journey, I didn't want to miss a moment seeing and familiarizing myself with this space.